2019年4月10日 星期三

Politics – TIME: President Trump Wants Origins of FBI Probe on Russia Investigated

Politics – TIME
Current & Breaking News | National & World Updates 
thumbnailPresident Trump Wants Origins of FBI Probe on Russia Investigated
Apr 10th 2019, 14:32, by Associated Press

(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump is declaring that he wants an investigation into the origins of the federal probe into ties between his campaign and Russia.

Trump, speaking to reporters Wednesday at the White House, decreed it an “illegal investigation” conducted by “dirty cops.” The president did not name them but has previously blamed Justice Department officials and former FBI Director James Comey.

Attorney General William Barr has a team reviewing the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia, according to a person familiar with the situation who insisted on anonymity to discuss internal discussions..

Trump also stated that “I don’t care” about the report from special counsel Robert Mueller that Barr says he will release in the coming days in redacted form. Despite that declaration, the president has repeatedly tweeted about the report in recent days.

Mueller didn’t find a criminal conspiracy between Russia and Trump. He did not rule on obstruction of justice, though Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ruled Trump did not.

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